Sunday, February 24, 2008

Many Things

I have a lot to post. Okay, here goes:

Our trip to NC was fantastic. We all went to the circus in Greensboro one night. The kids had fun, but I hafta say that I'm pretty sure that Bob, Scott's dad, had as much or more fun than the kids. lol He was like a kid in a candy store. Very fun to watch and be around.

Every day was something new without being too much. We ate supper at different places each night. The siblings took turns hosting the entire family. Now for those of you who don't know the dynamics of the group, here's a brief tutorial. They are a blended family. Bob is the dad, and Scott and Kelly are his kids. Judy is the mom, and she has 3 kids- Pam, Mike, and Brian. Now for the sibling families. Of course, there's Scott, me, Bren, and Ellas. Kelly is married to Garth, and Glenn, a senior in college, is her son. Pam is not married and lives with Bob and Judy. Mike is the battalion fire chief in Reidsville and is married to Debbie. They have 2 sons-Shane, who died in a car wreck 3 months after my mom died, and Corey who's a senior in high school. Needless to say, it takes courage and a lotta food to have a family dinner.

Everbody just adored the "twins". That would be Ellas and Gracie. They were pampered and spoiled, without mercy for their poor parents who had to deal with the aftermath. We tried to do school and succeeded for about 3 days. Then the books got put away, and we were "on vacation" for the rest of the trip.

We left Bob and Judy's to meet Crissy and her bunch at Beech Mountain to ski and vegitate. We skied Tuesday all day and again on Wednesday evening. We had soooo much fun. I love the fact that our kids ski without fear or hesitation. THEY DON'T EVEN USE POLES!!! They get off the lift, point their skis down the mountain, and off they go. It is the most amazing, and sometimes scary, thing to watch.

A week after we got back, Ellas had his tonsils and adenoids removed. He is on some amazing medicine for pain. (That would be liquid Lortab.) He takes it every four hours and sleeps a lot. Thanks for all of the prayers. He is definitely feeling better. He got a pop on the butt this evening, so he IS better. :) He's finally starting to eat a little applesauce and pudding. Just continue to pray for all of us.

Well, my brain is starting to fog over. I have to take a break. I'll post more later. If you have any suggestions for posts, let me know.


Missy said...

You could post about how to get us all some liquid loritab! :)

Sounds like ya'll had a great time, I'm glad!

We missed you guys at the field trip, but glad Ellas is doing better.

Spring is around the corner!

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about you! Glad to hear you had a fun time with your family.